Thursday, June 14, 2012

dangerous cake recipe

dangerous cake recipe

Recipe source:  youtube

This recipe just reminds me of lava cake, well maybe because of its shape. Anyway, my sister sent me a copy of this recipe on FB, the reason i made this is that she wanted to know if it's really yummy. She ran out of cocoa and what not, so she wanted me to cook the cake for me to try. Now, i am not a big fan of microwave really. I don't use it unless i have to. Well, in this case i'm gonna have to, for my sister :)
So, it turn out all right, taste? not bad at all and perhaps the quickest way to bake and eat cake in minutes, when your desperate for something sweet or if you're friends are coming over and you dont have anything to serve them pus this is a fun activity in the kitchen. I just mix all ingredients in a big mug with a spoon. no fancy utencils whatsoever. Maybe a little syrup on top would make it even more scrumptious. MInd you,  this should be eaten right away, its nice when warm and its kinda rubbery when it gets cold.


4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp oil
3 tbsp chocolate chips (optional)
small splash vanilla
micro wave safe mug (large coffee mug)

Add dry ingredients to mug, mix well
Add the egg, milk, oil and vanilla and mix well
Add chocolate chips and stir.

Cook in microwave at 1000watts for 3 minutes (I used 3 minutes on high setting and it was fine)
Allow to cool a bit and tip out of mug onto plate, or eat in the mug!

It is called the most dangerous chocolate cake because you can have chocolate cake anytime day or night within 5 minutes.

**note: It took me 4:25 to mix and pour and put in microwave and 3 minutes to cook. Still darn fast for chocolate cake.

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